Lessons from Presidents: Grant, Telos, and the Power of Perception

This is part of a loose series chronicling random thoughts on presidential history and how it pertains to leadership generally and ministry leadership in particular. You can read my last entry on William Howard Taft here. In our last meeting a couple weeks before his graduation, Jordan, the student leader I’d been coaching, confessed toContinue reading “Lessons from Presidents: Grant, Telos, and the Power of Perception”

My Top Books of 2023

Every year I toy with the idea of not doing this list anymore. Aside from the shocking amount of work it takes, to share my favorite reads from a given year implies that I actually read some worthwhile things. Unfortunately, that’s not always true. Every other year my reading list consists largely of duds. ButContinue reading “My Top Books of 2023”

Lessons from Presidents: Taft and Calling

I can’t say if Taft was or wasn’t called to the presidency, but his life and example remind me that as a Christian, leadership is never as simple as technical skill or personal virtue. We must consider if we’re called to a thing. If we are, then we faithfully execute that responsibility by living a life of character and growing our competence.”

Worshipping the Anti-Hero

“No one man should have that much power” — Police Officer speaking of Malcolm X “Kendrick made you think about it/but he is not your savior” — Kendrick Lamar, “Savior” Anyone who knows me well knows that I consider myself a huge Taylor Swift fan. Most people, upon hearing it for the first time, laugh with incredulity. I getContinue reading “Worshipping the Anti-Hero”

My Top Books of 2022

After feeling the sting of disappointment with reading 60 books last year, I came into 2022 with the hopeful but possible goal of reading 75. Then, at some point, I stopped caring. Between two kids and everything else, reading physical books became harder to do. While I normally listen to audiobooks while making breakfast andContinue reading “My Top Books of 2022”